Friday, November 27, 2009

Crazy Craft Sale Season

So sorry that I haven't written for a while. It's that time of the year again when we craftspeople become unsociable, spending every waking moment in the studio or out on the road flogging our wares. Subsequently, it leaves little time, energy or mental fortitude to write.

The past couple of weekends were spent at Wintergreen (craft sale in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada) and Artisans (craft sale in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada). One was average sales, the other a dismal failure. I honestly don't know about craft sales any more. The costs of being there continually go up with the gross sales going down. Our average purchaser is aging and they just don't need any more stuff. In fact, they are downsizing, getting rid of stuff. And for purchasing gifts, their kids are at the stage where they need basics, not luxury goods. I don't know what the answer is. Does any one out there have any ideas?

I am grateful that I get to play at work everyday.

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